1,204 research outputs found

    Symmetric 1-designs from PGL2(q), for q an odd prime power

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    All non-trivial point and block-primitive 1-(v, k, k) designs that admit the group G = PGL2(q), where q is a power of an odd prime, as a permutation group of automorphisms are determined. These self-dual and symmetric 1-designs are constructed by defining { |M|/|M ∩ Mg|: g ∈ G } to be the set of orbit lengths of the primitive action of G on the conjugates of M

    Designs and binary codes from maximal subgroups and conjugacy classes of ({rm M}_{11})

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    By using a method of construction of block-primitive and point-transitive 1-designs, in this paper we determine all block-primitive and point-transitive 1-((v, k, lambda))-designs from the maximal subgroups and the conjugacy classes of elements of the small Mathieu group ({rm M}_{11}). We examine the properties of the 1-((v, k, lambda))-designs and construct the codes defined by the binary row span of their incidence matrices. Furthermore, we present a number of interesting (Delta)-divisible binary codes invariant under ({rm M}_{11})

    On linear codes constructed from finite groups with a trivial Schur multiplier

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    Using a representation theoretic approach and considering G to be a finite primitive permutation group of degree n with a trivial Schur multiplier, we present a method to determine all binary linear codes of length n that admit G as a permutation automorphism group. In the non-binary case, we can still apply our method, but it will depend on the structure of the stabilizer of a point in the action of G. We show that every binary linear code admitting G as a permutation automorphism group is a submodule of a permutation module defined by a primitive action of G. As an illustration of the method, we consider G to be the sporadic simple group M11 and construct all binary linear codes invariant under G. We also construct some point- and block-primitive 1-designs from the supports of some codewords of the codes in discussion and compute their minimum distances, and in many instances we determine the stabilizers of the non-zero weight codewords

    On linear codes constructed from finite groups with a trivial Schur multiplier

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    Using a representation theoretic approach and considering G to be a finite primitive permutation group of degree n with a trivial Schur multiplier, we present a method to determine all binary linear codes of length n that admit G as a permutation automorphism group. In the non-binary case, we can still apply our method, but it will depend on the structure of the stabilizer of a point in the action of G. We show that every binary linear code admitting G as a permutation automorphism group is a submodule of a permutation module defined by a primitive action of G. As an illustration of the method, we consider G to be the sporadic simple group M11 and construct all binary linear codes invariant under G. We also construct some point- and block-primitive 1-designs from the supports of some codewords of the codes in discussion and compute their minimum distances, and in many instances we determine the stabilizers of the non-zero weight codewords


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    This study aimed to perform a linear multivariate regression analysis of kinetics variables to predict the height obtained in the countermovement jump (CMJ). Twenty-nine men, physically active, performed 3 maximum CMJ with 1 minute of interval between each jump. Variables of force and velocity, such as peak force in the eccentric phase (r=0.405), peak velocity in the concentric phase (r=0.393), and peak of force (r=0.392), showed positive association with the jump height. The regression analysis showed that the combination of the variables explained 65% of the jump height, it also demonstrated that force and velocity are determinant for the performance of this task

    Impact of composition and morphology on the optical properties of Si-NC/P3HT thin films processed from solution

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    Blends of Si nanocrystals (Si-NCs) and organic semiconductors are promising materials for new optical and electronic devices processed from solutions. Here, we study how the optical properties of composite films containing Si-NCs and the organic semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) are influenced by the composition and morphology resulting from different solution-processing parameters and different solvents used dichlorobenzene vs. chloroform). The optical spectra of the hybrid films are described using a simple phenomenological model, with which we can discern the contribution of each material in the films to the optical properties. From this analysis, we obtain quantitative information about the composition and morphology of the hybrid nanostructured films, which otherwise would be obtained from more demanding microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. For the case of the Si-NC/P3HT blend, we find that in films deposited from dichlorobenzene solutions the Si-NCs contribute sizably to light absorption.This work was funded by FCT/I3N via the HybridSolar project, by the DFG via Teilprojekt B2 and by the European Union and the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia in the framework of an Objective 2 Programme (European Regional Development Fund, ERDF). Funding is also acknowledged from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Projects Nos. PTDC/FIS/112885/2009 and PEst-C/CTM/LA0025/2011 and via the Strategic Project LA 25:2011-2012

    Crescimento e marcha de absorção de macronutrientes para a cultivar de melancia Crimson Sweet.

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    Para a sustentabilidade na produção da melancia é importante atender-se às suas exigências nutricionais, especialmente na época em que ocorre maior demanda por nutrientes. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o crescimento e marcha de absorção de macronutrientes pela cultivar de melancia Crimson Sweet. O experimento foi desenvolvido no perímetro irrigado do Baixo Acaraú, situado na região norte do estado do Ceará. As épocas de amostragem iniciaram-se no décimo quarto dia após a emergência (DAE), e foram realizadas em intervalos regulares de 10 dias, sendo assim representados: 24, 34, 44, 54 e 64 DAE. Constatou-se que o período de maior acúmulo de massa seca ocorre entre os 44 e 64 DAE, sendo que aos 64 DAE, a massa seca total da planta está estimada em 1.131,72 g; a ordem decrescente dos macronutrientes acumulados pela cultivar de melancia Crimson Sweet foi: K>Ca>N>Mg>S>P; aos 64 DAE, a parte aérea exportou: 66,64 g kg-1 de K; 46,04 g kg-1 de Ca; 31,71 g kg-1 de N; 11,57 g kg-1 de Mg; 11,86 g kg-1 de S; e 6,20 g kg-1 de P; o período compreendido entre 44 e 64 DAE está identificado como sendo o de maior requerimento de macronutrientes pela planta

    O enfermeiro no pré-natal na Estratégia Saúde da Família com gestantes portadoras de sífilis

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    The aim was to describe how the nurse of a family health strategy unit has conducted prenatal care for pregnant women with syphilis and their partner. It was qualitative research through field research with semi-structured interviews applied to nurses who work in the family health strategy in the west side of RJ, after authorization by committee number CER4.876.196. Nine nurses participated in a unit, where prenatal care is carried out as recommended by the Ministry of Health, access to services and medication are offered, however, there is a difficulty in prenatal counseling for the couple, due to resistance on the part of of the partner to carry out the treatment. There is a need for nurses to develop a strategy to encourage the presence of the partner in prenatal care, facilitate the coming of this man to the health unit and awareness of the couple's treatment.Objetivou-se descrever como o enfermeiro de uma unidade da estratégia de saúde da família tem conduzido o pré-natal nas gestantes com sífilis e seu parceiro. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa através de pesquisa de campo com entrevistas semiestruturada aplicada a enfermeiros que atuam na estratégia saúde da família na zona oeste RJ, após autorização comitê número CER4.876.196. Participaram nove enfermeiros de uma unidade, onde é realizado o pré-natal conforme preconizado pelo ministério da saúde, o acesso aos serviços e a medicação são oferecidos, porém, existe uma dificuldade no aconselhamento no pré-natal para o casal, pela resistência por parte do parceiro de realizar o tratamento. Observa-se a necessidade de o enfermeiro desenvolver uma estratégia para estimular a presença do parceiro no pré-natal, facilitar a vinda desse homem na unidade de saúde e conscientização de realização do tratamento do casal

    Trajectory and digital reconstitution of a canoe of Paulista Museum - USP

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    In this article, we intend to elaborate the exhibition trajectory of a canoe’s bow belonging to Paulista Museum collection from its entry into the institution in 1924 to the present day, reflecting on the construction of the monsoon memory in the museum along the time. The interdisciplinary activities carried out among Paulista Museum - USP, the Plant Anatomy Laboratory of the Institute of Biosciences - USP and the Naval Engineering Department of the Polytechnic School - USP will also be approached in order to better understand the constitution of the canoe, now musealized, through the results obtained from the historical research, the conservation works, the processes of wood anatomical identification and short-range photogrammetry.  Nesse artigo, pretende-se elaborar a trajetória expositiva do beque de proa de uma canoa pertencente ao acervo do Museu Paulista desde seu ingresso na instituição, em 1924, até os dias atuais, refletindo sobre a construção da memória das monções no museu ao longo do tempo. Também serão abordadas as atividades interdisciplinares realizadas entre o Museu Paulista, o Laboratório de Anatomia Vegetal do Instituto de Biociências – USP e o Departamento de Engenharia Naval da Escola Politécnica – USP, a fim de melhor compreender a constituição do canoão, agora musealizado, por meio dos resultados obtidos a partir da pesquisa histórica, dos trabalhos de conservação, dos processos de identificação anatômica da madeira e de fotogrametria de curto alcance